The Getting Things Done Mojo has been spending this week at my house. I’m ahead on all the work things I wanted to do this month. I’m also ahead on the financial things I wanted to do this month. I’m contemplating spending this afternoon working on my stalled bedroom remodel, which is just a few tiny pieces away from being ready to paint. Paint, flooring, trim, then move the heck in, and have a real bedroom without work things in it. I really want to make this happen, before I get distracted with spring gardening things, which are already calling my name.

Tonight is this year’s first meeting of my local art group, and at my suggestion, it’s a UFO night. Everyone is supposed to bring a project that’s been sitting around, unfinished—and finish it. I have so many unfinished objects to choose from, it’s going to be hard to pick one. Altered bottles that have been taking up space, mocking me, for a good six months? My Crush book, I started two years ago, and just haven’t been able to find time to work on? The magazine journal that I started before Christmas, that’s been sitting on my desk ever since? Hmm…

I’m still hacking away at my book for The Sketchbook Project. I have three, count ’em, three, sets of pages left to letter and seal, and two weeks left to get them done. I’m hoping one set will be done before I leave for the meeting tonight. I’m SO ready for this book to be done and out of my life. I’ve enjoyed doing it, but it’s time to move on to something else!