Do I even need to start this post with “it’s hot”? We’re on day 25 of temperatures over 100 degrees. Our lows are now in the 80s, so there’s no relief, even at night. This morning, I woke up soaked in sweat, and discovered that the front panel of my air conditioner had popped open, shutting it off until I smacked it back in place. Not funny…

Being trapped indoors for most of the day has its perks. I’m making slow, steady progress on my journal for The Sketchbook Project. My new arty group does journaling on the fourth Friday of every month, so I have to uninterrupted hours to work. I’ve discovered that if I get a few pages prepped with photos, I can do shading, coloring and painting at the meeting, and then finish the pages in spare time before we meet again. I finished this set of pages this morning while waiting for glitter glue to dry on some shrine samples.

Unfortunately, I’ve also discovered that my little journal is growing too fat. The project’s guidelines allow books to be one inch thick, and right now, mine is a little bit over that. I’m trying to figure out how I can cut down on the bulk without destroying the book. Removing pages is definitely in my future.

All the work I’ve done in this journal is posted here. I should have two more sets of pages done in the next couple of weeks. Little by little…