Today’s artwork: a gluebook page, made about ten minutes ago. It’s been another one of those weeks, where my life got sucked up into work and real life stuff, and I somehow never found time to just make some art for me. In fact, it’s been so busy that I’m skipping my biweekly art group meeting right now, to get this post written and a newsletter sent out.

So, what’s taking up all this time? Christmas. I didn’t have my usual uptick in business for Halloween, so now, I need a good Christmas season to keep me afloat. I’ve been designing new stuff, and making samples, and generally throwing everything I have at Christmas, because I’ve dipped into my savings too often this year, and need to make up some of what I’ve borrowed from myself.

These are the things they don’t tell you about in art school. How you’ll have to keep many balls in the air to juggle life and art and money. There are days when I think I should just bag the whole thing, and go back to working for someone else, sitting at a desk, wearing nice clothes, getting paid twice what I do now, just doing what I’m told.

OK, things aren’t that bad. I sort of hated working for other people, and I wasn’t ever very good at it. I do miss that cushy salary and subsidized health insurance, though…