Today’s artwork is a set of slap stickers I did for a swap on Freakwerx. Black gesso, collage, acrylic paint and markers over Priority Mail stickers.

Slap stickers are generally used as a type of graffiti. More about them can be found in this article on Wikipedia. I have mixed feelings about graffiti. On the one hand, vandalism. On the other hand, art. Often, art that makes me laugh, or makes me think. How can that be a bad thing?

So, these took me all of an hour to whip together, mostly because I had to wait for layers of gesso and matte medium to dry. And that is the sum total of the time I spent making things this week, because I’m in data entry hell. I’m migrating all the current products at Ten Two Studios to a new shopping cart, converting all the remaining print products to digital, and learning new software.

And it’s mind-numbingly dull.

I’ve spent my week in the same cycle: 15 minutes solving a problem, or figuring out how to make this do that so a product category will load right, look right, and deliver the the customer properly, and then hours on end loading all the products in that category.

In my spare time, I’m also working with a new site design that will be more responsive to all the various devices that people now use to access the Internet. Or moving projects, or design team profiles, or policies, revising as I go.

Dull. And, out of necessity, it goes on for eight hours a day, and will go on that way for at least another week. I have a deadline, both to get off the old digital delivery service before the next billing cycle, and to get the new site up and running before I have to start loading 31 days of Halloween eye candy posts.

That’s my life. Loading data. Solving problems. Trying not to grow roots to this chair…