In which, at last, I obtain the paperwork to send the beast back.
Dear Dell…
A message from a very unhappy customer.
Looking Forward
It’s a new year. Who has time for that old stuff?
A Message to 2013
This is your annual performance review.
Pay Me To Be Inspired
No, you don’t have to pay to read this post.
A Year of Altered Books
These are mostly pages from my practice book, done for various classes and video lessons.
Making Art Everywhere
Today’s artwork is a set of altered book pages. Hey. Remember altered books? I actually had someone comment on this earlier in the week. He…
Ice Ice Baby
You’re singing that song now, aren’t you? You’re welcome.
Thanks. And I’ll Stop Now.
The last photo you’ll see of my scarred belly, for which we’re all thankful.
Don’t Go To Sleep
In which we say the last rights over my HVAC system.
Seeking Balance
Treading that fine line between social interaction, and tidal wave of crazy.
You’re Welcome
A message to all the jerks who don’t say thank you.
Shaking Things Up
A little cleaning and fluffing here and there.
My Great Big Gluebook
A gluebook with very large pages, started in 2013, and completed in 2021
Your Mother Doesn’t Live Here
Some thoughts on my relationship with being The Mom.